“Back to School Daze” – A Theme Show for School Transitions

“Back to School Daze” – A Theme Show for School Transitions “Back to School Daze” – A Theme Show for School Transitions “Back to School Daze” – A Theme Show for School Transitions

From elementary… to middle … to high school … to college, change is a challenge.  Meet it with a theme show for school transitions!

As we grow from the babies we are when we come into the world into the people we will become, there are many transitions that are important:  when we first crawl; when we first walk or talk; the first day of pre-school or kindergarten; and one of the most important – when we step onto the bridge between childhood and adulthood called adolescence.

Coincidentally, this latter transition begins at about the same time that young people enter middle school.  It is at this time that young people make some of the most important decisions that they will ever make about who they will become.  It is confusing time that requires lots of thought, lots of guidance, lots of choices and decisions, lots of learning, and lots of important conversations about things that matter.

The “Back To School Daze” is a stage show experience of music and scenes that is designed to jump start these important conversations – between students, parents, school staff members, and other members of a school community as young people engage adolescence.  See excerpts of scenes and song lyrics here … with more to come!

BTSD Script Excerpts


The “Back To School Daze” is designed for middle and junior high schools, but the concept is adaptable at all levels.  Scripts, songs and theatrics can be customized for purposes and audiences defined by clients.

To discuss possibilities for your own theme show for school transitions, CONTACT US!