Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion Diversity & Inclusion

DIVERSITY is an inescapable fact of life.

There are no two things identically alike anywhere in the universe – strong similarities notwithstanding.

So … one of the most useful questions we can ask about diversity is this:

How will we acknowledge the diverse world we live in and do it in a way that makes it work as well for all as it may for one – especially in the world of people?

It is also quite useful for people to be able to identify the biases they bring to interactions with others and whether or not these prejudices are ultimately of the greatest service to the good of the whole.

When we focus on our beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors and their resulting consequences, we often discover the dangers of having not carefully examined them enough to know whether pursuing exclusivity or pursuing  inclusion is the more useful paradigm.

When inclusion is our guiding principle or frame of reference, we find that often our loyalty to racial, ethnic, religious, or certain other narrowly defined groups may need to give way to developing cultural proficiency in a world that is complicated by the unique culture of each individual.

It is useful, then, to engage in dialogue and collaboration for the purpose of developing an approach to diversity that is consistent and congruent and that can bring to organizations better consequences as a result of making better choices in how we manage relationships within an ever-changing workforce and community.

None of this occurs, however, without courageous conversations about expectations and desires where there can be so many differences in the way we approach factors such as

  • verbal and non-verbal communication,
  • time management,
  • work ethics,
  • conflict resolution,
  • teamwork, and
  • generational differences.

Be willing to join us in these important conversations and the new and more effective FRAMEWORKS and ACTION PLANS that can grow out of them.


For more information about possibilities, CONTACT US!